Tuesday, October 07, 2008

US Presidential Debate 2 - Live Blogging

I am live blogging the second US presidential debate town hall on my political blog.


  1. read your play by play.... yeah, THAT ONE was a new low. Sigh.

  2. yep... and today he gets nastier and nastier.

    The guy is also afraid to criticize Obama face to face.

    I saw Michelle Obama on Larry King Live yesterday and she was a class act. Yet today Cindy McCain started to criticize Obama.

  3. If McCain/Palin make it, I'm moving to Toronto.
    Me no kid.

  4. You will be welcome here.

    Although, I have to add, in our own elections our Conservatives are winning.

    To be fair, our Conservatives are your Democrats (which tells you how liberals our Liberals are!).

  5. Re: Cindy McCain did you hear about how Obama gives her a "cold chill", that made me laugh out loud... the woman is an icicle.... isn't it inevitable for her to be cold and chilled? Why blame Obama.

  6. Anonymous12:35 am

    Hi Mezba Bhai,

    Read your quote in The National today, saying you wanted to return......but surely you meant Abu Dhabi and not Dubai! Btw,I am sure you are more than familiar with the situation here, and do check the housing market (which currently is insance) before deciding to move, if you do indeed :)


    Btw, I personally think the "tax-free" tagline is just a myth, as extraordinarily high telecom and education costs along with import monopolies on most consumer goods mean that most people end up indirectly payng back 10-15% of their incomes to the govt, without any representation rights...

  7. Musa: thanks for the link. Let me see how they quoted me (the interview was some time ago) and I will respond.

  8. I can't wait until the elections are over! They have been campaigning forever, it seems.

  9. Yup, 17 more days to go.
