Thursday, October 02, 2008

Eid Mubarak with Shadher Lau

Eid Mubarak, every body!

We went down to Rogers Centre (a stadium here, hired for the day by Muslims), and prayed with over 10,000 other Muslims. It was a bit different from the usually intimate environment at the mosque where we used to go previously.

My uncle had come over and he had a special gift for us - a lau (Bottle Gourd).

Now I showed you guys our previous examples of laus before, but my uncle's was in another league by itself. I leave you with those pictures, and hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday.

Laus in his garden.

Labelled laus for everybody.

Our lau.

My uncle with the lau.


  1. Anonymous2:21 pm

    It's... umm.. I'm not going to say it. ;)

  2. Ish: Please clarify!

  3. Anonymous2:28 pm

    Hahaha! Eid Mubarak to you.

    Hope the lau did not make you boiragi...

  4. Rezwan: We don't really know what to do with it yet!

  5. Anonymous9:58 pm

    That was interesting!

    And Eid Greetings to you too!

  6. Anonymous11:07 pm

    that is one hell of a lau..

  7. Eid Mubarak to you too. Nice looking "lau" I don't ever recalling eating it so not sure what you can make with it.

  8. Anonymous9:01 am

    It's..uh.. reminds me of a song
    That rhymes with...err, bong
    Its something I'd really dig
    If it wasn't so damn big!


    Its green, is what I meant!

  9. Anonymous11:52 pm

    They look like snakes that it's kind of spooky. :)

  10. Anonymous12:18 am

    Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid responds to media propaganda that falsely claimed that he issued a fatwa calling for killing Mickey Mouse.

    In perfect english!

  11. Holy Cow! That is big.

    Eid Mubarak!

  12. Missspecs: yep, he is always and interesting visit!

    Rifat: Mother of all laus!

    Ali: it can be used in many times of recipes. Most famous in Bangladesh is lau with chingri (shrimp).

    Isheeta: I am still not getting it :-(

    Zehra: I know - at first when I saw the first pic I thought of medusa.

    Anika: You posted this also in the other post, I replied there.

    Suroor: Big indeed!

    Eid Mubarak everyone!

  13. Anonymous1:24 am

    Haha and whatta lau it is...


  14. Anonymous10:03 am

    Eid Mubarak, it has been queit some time since I poped up here.

  15. Athena: And unbelievably tasty.

    Hicham: Eid Mubarak and welcome back.

  16. Umm, what's a lau?

  17. Anonymous12:52 pm

    It's rather late, but still, EID MUBARAK!

    LOL, love what's written on the lau :)

  18. bb_aisha: it's a fruit (or vegetable). It's called Bottle Gourd in English [wiki].

    Nadia: thanx! Hope you had a good Eid.

  19. Anonymous3:36 pm

    how is it cooked??? And did he use *miraclegrow*? sf

  20. Sf: There are many recipes, but we make something called lau bhorta, or lau with chingri (shrimp). You can google for these two recipes.
