Sunday, September 21, 2008

Last Ten Days of Ramadan

You know it's the last 10 days of Ramadan when:

  • Half the people you know are saying, "Oh God I can't believe Ramadan is over already it was just yesterday it started ..."

  • The other half are saying, "I can't wait for Eid"!

  • Already the debate between Global Moonsighting and Local Moonsighting is being revisited.

  • People are ready to stay all night in the mosque to pray nafil prayers of Qiyam al Lail and then go home and sleep through the fard prayers of Fajr!

  • All university male students have by this time made a list of rankings of various mosques by the free iftars they provide. Apparently in Toronto the Islamic Foundation is leading with its delicious spread on Sundays.

  • Part time taraweeh attendees (the 8-rakat-ers) are making plans for which mosque they will attend on the night of the 27th.

  • All the mosques now urge you to do more good deeds (i.e. donate more).

  • Speaking of mosques, all of a sudden you start seeing blankets, pillows and sleeping bags in the praying area!

    1. Or when the women start with the preparations for Eid. Baking biscuits, planning the menu, etc.

    2. Suroor: Any more you can think of is welcome. I (this blog) is on "ihtiqaf" till Eid! :-P

      ps. that reminds me - have to add to the list.

      Solace: Good one!

    3. Haha when we were kids we`d take our blankets and pillows because my parents would spend all night there, it was quite the adventure :D

    4. Anonymous2:20 am

      Oh, I haven't bought my Eid bangles yet! :D

    5. Anonymous2:39 pm

      :-) Good one.

    6. Lol, this was funny!

      I hope your last days of Ramadan are filled with God's love and blessings!

    7. lol.. cute :) and oh so true :D I went to IMO a few years ago.. they had a good spread masha'allah
