Thursday, September 18, 2008

Four Biwi, So Fight With TV

So.. there's this, like, Saudi sheikh, who hates TV.

So he said, like, TV is bad.

TV producers are also bad. And they should be killed.

Anyone on TV, even Mickey Mouse, should also be killed.

And he says all this .. while BEING ON TV.

Anyone beside me find this ironic?


  1. Anonymous4:22 am

    What perplexes me about some Muslims is that they make a quantum jump from "this act is wrong", to "the perpetrator should be killed/beheaded".

    If someone feels killing is too extreme a solution, he is accused of supporting the actual act......

    Distorted brain functioning, methinks.

    And in the case of satellite tv, nothing is more sad than seeing people who abuse housemaids, extort money, practise racism, suddenly remember Islam when it comes to satellite TV

  2. Haha ya I read about that in another blog (forgot where). The royal family members who own the tv stations won't be too happy...

  3. Musa: Form over substance is what they favour! I too am amazed at how "kill 'em all" is a common solution. The guy hasn't heard of the remote, it seems.

    Solace: thank you!

    Ali: I am surprised he was allowed to get on air!

  4. Let's kill him then!

  5. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Hahahhahaha(that's my response to all that nonsense, they never stop coming!). sf :P

  6. Anonymous6:28 pm

    mmm the least of Saudi issues....

  7. Suroor: I would settle for gagging him!

    Sf: wouldn't it be something if the other people on the show just started to LAUGH at him!

    Molly: The Saudi scholar needn't be worried. I have seen their TV and I don't think anyone watches it, it's so boring!

  8. Anonymous1:59 pm

    Further confirms what I suspected about these dacoits masquerading as kings and princes.

  9. Muhamad: you had doubts? :-P

  10. Anonymous11:55 am

    Fear Allah bro, and now that your misinformation in this post has been cleared up (see MuslimMatters), please either delete or edit your post to avoid slandering a scholar in the month of Ramadhan.

  11. OK, first of all, I hardly respect commentators who are too cowards to leave a names, particularly the fatwa police. Second, this sheikh said so, so the post stands.

  12. Anonymous12:11 pm

    even with the article you provided, your post is still full of misinformation and slander. e.g.:

    "everyone on TV should be killed"

    no one said that... most of your post had simply incorrect or extremely twisted info. Just link to the article and delete everything else you wrote, if you indeed fear Allah during this month.

    Otherwise, you will be donating your good deeds to the scholars you are speaking about (by backbiting/slandering them)... i suppose that is good for them...

  13. OK, whatever.

    original decree that it should be permissible to kill television network owners

    was trying to mitigate his original ...

    If a sheikh makes a fatwa I think is stupid (and also makes Islam a target of mockery) we should out him rather than support him.

    As Musa said,

    What perplexes me about some Muslims is that they make a quantum jump from "this act is wrong", to "the perpetrator should be killed/beheaded".


    PS. I think normal readers can understand the tone of this post.

  14. Anonymous12:20 am

    Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid responds to media propaganda that falsely claimed that he issued a fatwa calling for killing Mickey Mouse.

    In perfect english!

  15. Anika: this is a different sheikh.
