Friday, August 29, 2008


So I was at this aunty's place for a dinner invitation. We were chatting on many things, and the topic turned to her basement tenants.

"Oh I never rent to black people." She then goes on a tirade against black people. "These people never pay their rent on time, are always on welfare, have no family structure! You rent to a single woman with a kid and soon she has millions of 'boyfriends' visiting her and they are dirty and ..."

It was quite uncomfortable. Some people at the table tried to steer the conversation somewhere else and ultimately they succeeded.

After dinner someone turned on the TV and CNN was talking about Obama.

"Oh, Obama!" The aunty starts again. "I hope he wins. He is telling the truth, and America needs someone like him now. But you know what...these... AMERICANS... they will NEVER vote for a black man, ... they are very racist!"


  1. Anonymous10:21 am

    hahaha, thats hilarious. I have this one very old relative (90 something) who is a bit racist towards black people. But her daugther(60 something) has swung the other way is now kinda racist towards white people and is really hoping Obama will win. It makes for quite funny conversations b/c I know what the mother things but she would never say anything negative about her daughter hhaha

  2. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Unfortunately this is not surprising anymore. It also reminds me of the story about the another aunty that you posted some time ago about her daughter and her daughter-in-law. Hmmm, I see a pattern here .....

  3. Geekisiddiqui: lol yes, I too have a few relatives like that. Actually I think the older a person gets the more set in their ways they become and becomes fodder for interesting conversations!

    Jahandost: You have a good memory! In fact, I think it might be the same aunty so there!

  4. Anonymous1:35 pm

    Obama will soon turn white like Michael

  5. Mystic: I hope not! Although I agree a certain move to the centre is warranted due to attracting voters (one may even say this is good for democracy and prevents extremists from seizing power - I would point them to Bush), I hope Obama remains true to his principles and what he is preaching.

  6. She probably doesn't even realize how hypocritical her comment was!

    I hope Obama wins, I think he's cool and I think America desperately needs someone like him for many reasons :D

  7. Well, there you go. Aunties are racist and diplomatic :)

  8. Haha. Dear aunty could do with a consistency class.

  9. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Aunty certainly taught you irony :)

  10. Salaams!

    That is tooo funny, lol!

    Ramadhan Mubarak!

  11. Liya: I hope he wins too. McCain would be 4 more years of Bush and that is exacty what America does NOT need.

    Suroor: Aunties, we can all agree, :-P are good source of blog material!

    M Lodhi: I don't think even she realises it.

    Anon:: not to mention bipolar.

    Safiyyah: haha, Ramadan Mubarak to you too.

  12. Nothing bothers me more in a desi gatherings than the hate for the black skin (yes, even more so than the innate UNpunctuality)

  13. Ahmad: it's changing, now that more born-and-brought-up desis are beginning to dominate in numbers.

  14. Anonymous11:02 pm

    Aunties and Uncles would be much happier if their son or daughter married a non-Muslim rather than black Muslim. It's true but sad.

  15. Anonymous11:02 pm

    Aunties and Uncles would be much happier if their son or daughter married a non-Muslim rather than black Muslim. It's true but sad.

  16. Tammy: It's probably true a comment to some extent.
