Monday, August 25, 2008

An Interview

There's nothing like enjoying a three week vacation with no studies to worry about. It helps though that the weather has been really, really good! August is almost always a depressing month because summer is coming to an end (and as a sign of that, the CNE is here!).

I recently got interviewed by Ghazala Khan of the Pak Spectator here.

I don't have much to add here; will return with a new series of posts on Ramadan when it gets here, however, I do want to say one thing to the journalists.

The Beijing Olympics is over!!! Please don't bother me with articles about reminiscing on the Games, or "looking back", or a "review". It's over.


  1. Congrats on being interviewed! And you totally deserve the interview, you're one of my favs.

    You mentioned some of my regular reads like Specs and Organica and Haleem, man that Haleem makes me laugh! :D

    Good job

  2. Anonymous4:51 pm

    I second Liya. I like it when Haleem is ANGRY! Angry Haleem! Raaaaaaawrrrrrrrrrr! Sorry to steal your thunder Mezba, but thats the truth.

  3. Anonymous7:18 pm

    Oh man, thanks for the endorsement! It's an honour. :-)

  4. hey guys ... ya, you make my top 5.

  5. it is nice to read your interview on TPS i.e. The Pakistani Spectator. Thanks a lot for it.

  6. Jazzakum Allah Khair for mentioning me :-).

    I hope you get that book deal!

  7. Saleem: thank you for reading it and commenting.

    Organic: thank you!
