Monday, August 17, 2009

Looking for a Little Spirituality

Toronto is a diverse and multicultural city - a fact I repeatedly realized on my travels. New York may be more multicultural, but Toronto is diverse. You get everyone from ANY where here and they feel right at home.

This morning, I was driving to work and was stopped at a light. I saw this middle aged gentleman walking on the pavement with a walking stick, who looked to be from South Asia / Sri Lanka.

Suddenly, he paused, and then raised his hands clasped together in the traditional Indian prayer position - namaste. He looked at the sun and then prayed, then touched his hands to his eyes, three times. Then he folded his hands in a dua ritual, prayed again, and then was off back to walking on his path.

I don't know about others, but that little touch of spirituality made my day. I think we could all in North America use a bit more spiritualism. Here in Toronto, we are especially blessed with all the comforts of the First World, plus a REALLY low crime rate for a North American city, and with all our social benefits and healthcare, but yet I think something is missing and that something is a bit of spirituality. I think people in Canada would be even happier if people were a bit more reflective.

As I went to work I again wondered as how that bit of act by that man did not look out of place here. When sometimes we are stuck out in times of prayer and we pray in the car, we don't worry about what anyone walking by will think. We know, that they will know. Those little things matter.


  1. i agree. and i think the same thing almost every time i walk around TO, we're pretty lucky to live in a place like this.

  2. What a wonderful reminder of how lucky we are. It's so easy to get caught up in the usual routine and not take a few seconds to be thankful for where we are and what has been accomplished.

  3. Shaz: In some places in Europe, halal way of slaughtering is not legal (!) so they had to import halal meat, in other places they couldn't wear the scarf - and I think in Toronto (and Canada and America) we stopped debating those useless debates (although some people want to take us back there - we have to be vigilant always).

    mA We are pretty lucky in Toronto!

    Jat: exactly. This man took his worship for granted and in some parts of the world he would be killed for this small act.

  4. Farah4:32 pm

    Great post! I agree! A little religion never harmed anyone!

  5. I love our diversity, I agree with Shaz, we are SO lucky to live in a place like this!

  6. Anonymous8:23 pm

    A beautiful reflection of gratitute,indeed.Sometimes we're so caught up in life that we forget how lucky we are,living in a peaceful and stable country.I'm sure TO is definitely one such place and so is my country,S'pore!

    I've always wanted to comment esp on your pics and finally I did!

  7. That's a great relfection of gratitute.Somehow we tend to forget to be thankful for the things we have in life due to our busy lifestyles.TO is definitely one lucky place to live in,and so is my country,S'pore!

  8. This is such a beautiful little post :]

  9. Farah: thanks. Curious though, "little" religion never harmed anyone. Some would say some of the wars being fought are because of MORE religion!

    'liya: Absolutely!

    Lat: I have been to Singapore and it is a gorgeous place.

    [[[ x Smiley x ]]]: Thanks!

  10. Anonymous1:26 pm

    I know I've definitely been spoiled by Toronto and NYC too...I like a lot of other place like home :)

  11. Anonymous7:44 pm

    Ooops sorry for the double post!

  12. Geeki: home sweet home indeed.

    Lat: No problem!

  13. Anonymous11:00 am

    Wow, that is a beautiful sight to see.

  14. Sunehra: thanks, I thought so too.
