Saturday, June 13, 2009

Convocation U of T

This past week was Convocation week at the University of Toronto. I always amazes me that no matter how crappy the weather is the week before Convocation, the sun and blue skies always show up for Convocation week. If you are a tourist planning to visit Toronto, if you schedule your trip on this week - you will have great weather. Year after year, it seems like a strange coincidence.

The picture above is of University College, from where graduates are led out in a parade to Convocation Hall. One member of my family graduated early this week, I ran into Geeki and his friends yesterday and yet another friend is finishing on Monday.

Graduates entering Convocation Hall

As an aside, the university always tends to its athletic field right before graduation ceremony, so the grass is super green and well tended right on Convocation Week. And good weather seems to bring out people who want to play football (soccer). What really gets my goat is this:

Few people decide to make a team. And the way they differentiate the team is that one group keeps its shirts on, the other group plays topless!

If girls wants to go topless that's another thing, but I mean, guys, I know you are dying to get your shirt off and show your six two-pack to the world, but no one can see it due to all that hair! Just... put a shirt on!

I end with a shot of one graduation ceremony in progress.


  1. At York our ceremony took place in a really large tent - just didn't have that special feel. That's one thing I admire about UofT, they know how to do things right and make it look really good.

  2. Anonymous10:11 am

    Wow, the campus is so fantastic!

    The graduation hall looks emtpyish... are current students not allowed to watch?

  3. Anonymous2:58 pm

    I love my school (UfT), and this may as well be one of the reasons why ;-)


  4. Anonymous12:55 pm

    It always rains for my university's convocation!

  5. Anonymous9:58 pm

    Woohoo for convocations! :)

  6. Taha: :-) I have to visit your blog now.

    Liya: A tent? Like in the movies.

    U of T does it really well. They even have those mace and ceremonial pomp and show which may be cheesy but it's great for photo ops and good for mantaining some ancient ritualistic feel! Makes you feel quite grand.

    Specs: No no, the graduation hall was quite full! It's very hard to get tickets actually - its free but distributed to grads only for immediate family only.

    Infoguide: U of T's the best.

    Sunehra: really? I have yet to see it rain here. it just seems so sunny on grad week. Today though, it may rain.

    Geeki: Congrats again.

  7. I go to UofT also and always wondered what the convocation hall looked like

    Speaking of which.. I didn't know it was free?

  8. Audity8:37 pm

    did they renovate the convo hall?! it didn't look this great when i had classes in there last time (07/08).. it was quite the opposite of great :-s

  9. Muslim girl: it's free for limited amount of family members and friends.

    Audity: not sure.
