Tuesday, February 10, 2009

OK I Admit, Star Trek = Geek

I recently realized why a Star Trek fan is held as the ultimate geek. I was watching TV with a female Indian friend and suddenly Voyager came on. Being a Trekkie - I naturally switched to that channel.

"Uffo, what is this? Is that Obama?"

"Er, no." I replied. "That's Tuvok. He's a Vulcan."

"A what? And why is that... my God! A talking fish!"

"That's not a talking fish." I tried to explain. "It's a Talaxian."

I then launched into a "history" lesson.

"Vulcans are a race of intelligent aliens who control their emotions, while Talaxians are a group of another aliens in the Delta Quadrant."

"I see." Probably did not. "And that man with the triangle on his forehead?"

"That's Chakotay. He's an Indian."

"A what?"

"Aboriginal Indian." I hastened to explain. "Not your Indian Indian." I did not add that I have yet to meet a native Indian who had a triangle tattoo on his forehead.

"What's happening here?"

"Oh," I was recalling the episode. "It's a time warp field. Their ship has encounter a, er, anomaly in the, er, space-time continuum ..."

"You know, if they are going back in time, why are they going back to Earth? You said they are 75,000 miles from Earth...."

Not miles dear, I thought, light years.

"Er, I don't know!" (cheaper to shoot episode in LA I guess).

You know what, Bidaii now sounds much more interesting.


  1. Star Trek hasn't been on in South Africa in a long time, but I used to watch it every week!

    If you are not a fan, the attraction is a bit difficult to understand

  2. Solace In Islam: And The Next Generation is my favourite. barring a few episodes, that show doesn't age!

    Ya, you have to be a fan to get some of the things, like why is Voyager worried about running low on dilithium... oh those early episodes of Voyager (and Kes) was so irritating!

  3. Anonymous2:06 pm

    LOL I tried watching Start Trek a few times, but never got the hold of it...same goes with Star Wars, I've never watched them haha.

  4. Elena: You know, being a sci-fi lover, you would think I could get into the Star Wars thing, but I never could. I kept thinking, where's Earth?

  5. Anonymous2:24 pm

    I love Star Trek! TNG use to be my favourite but now its most definitely DS9. I just find the characters so much more complex and I like the longer story arcs. I think trek and sci-fi in general just has a negative connotation in the general public. I think people are just too lazy to take the time to get to know it. On the flip side, there is a lot of bad sci-fi out there too.

  6. Geeki: So true!

    Have you read Asimov? Not just his Robot series, but he also wrote this Lucky Starr series which were really great light sci-fi.

  7. Anonymous2:32 pm

    haha... one of those fabulous convo's you have with female friends. infact i have seen a lot of individuals belonging to the female species not liking sci-fi episodes or movies. just their natural taste, i guess.
    I used to watch Star Trek a lot, but slowly slowly somehow faded away from it.

    But I must admit... Saat Phere...Saloni Ka Safar is way cool... indians manage to squeeze 10 episodes from one theme...


  8. Behbood: true, the female species sometimes don't have appreciation for the, er, geekier things in life!

  9. Anonymous2:42 pm

    You geeky snob! LOL. :D

  10. Specs: Someone gotta be!

  11. Salaams Mezba:

    I LOVE Star Trek! And Battlestar Galactica, too!

  12. Anonymous9:37 am

    hey, there are female trekkie fans out there too!

    I am a die-hard fan of star trek.. well, the ORIGINAL with Kirk and Spock and McCoy and the Klingons before they could speak English! so Im really looking fwd to the one coming out in May ... take ur female friend with you to that one, it looks really good, and she might hav a better appreciation for it!

  13. I love the Kes character, much to my wife's disapproval as she sees herself more like B'Elanna.

    She compares me to Tuvok but honestly, I really like the Doctor.

  14. I liked the character who played Worf's wife - his son's mother. Gheez, I forget her name!

  15. LOL!

    I have never watched Star Trek!

  16. Anonymous10:10 am

    I used to watch star trek(have no idea which though coz there are many, apparently???)growing up. It was one of the shows that we could watch :). which was the one that had Whoopi?? sf

  17. Safiyyah: I never actually watched Battlestar Galactica. Maybe I should. I am still too much indoctrined into Star Trek.

    Isheeta: nice to know! Ya, I am looking forward to that movie as well. Maybe you can join us!

    Ahmad: Kes? Er, I think I prefer her replacement Seven of Nice! :-p

    Safiyyah: I just saw her (and that episode) today. Kehleyr or something. She is one fine woman.

    Suroor: you are missing out on like the best entertainment on tv.

    Sf: Whoopi - that would be the Next Generation - my favourite series.

  18. Anonymous11:59 am

    So, Mezba, are you a "trekkie" or a "trekker"?

  19. Muhammad: What is the difference?

  20. Come on! :-)
    What is the difference?
    Have you not read about Nimoy, Rodenberry, etc, on trekkie versus trekker? Look it up.

  21. Lodhi: Nah, I just watch the shows, don't read anything else on them.
