Sunday, November 23, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire

Along with Geeki and Mousehunter, a couple of weeks ago I attended a special screening of Slumdog Millionaire. I had been meaning to post on how awesome a movie it was. Don't worry - no spoilers below.

One of the great problems I see with Bollywood is that people won't see a movie without any big stars in it, no matter how good it is. And when there are those big stars, the public demands a certain story, even if that story has been played a thousand times.

It is for those reasons that I attended Slumdog Millionaire with absolutely zero expectations, and found myself not only blown away by the story, but absolutely enjoying every minute of the movie. Anil Kapoor has a special role in the movie, and there is one "item song" at the end credits.

It is better you go into this movie with no idea of the story, as you will enjoy it more. It's not your typical Bollywood movie (first of all it's mostly in English), even though it is a love story. It's also very deglamourized, and it's refreshing to see a girl not wake up looking like a million bucks!

5 stars for Slumdog Millionaire.


  1. NPR had a really good review of the movie.

    But my cheap self will watch it when it will comes on Netflix.

  2. Anonymous10:39 am

    it's nazia, for some reason it causes an error when I try to plug in my wordpress id! hates me apparently!
    what i wrote originally was that, i agree it's better to go without having any idea, thats what I did and loved it! the movie is gripping right from the start!

  3. Anonymous5:03 pm

    and my cheap self will watch it when it comes on youtube, if it ever does.

  4. Thanx all for the comments.

    I just read this could be big for the Academy Awards.

  5. Anonymous9:44 pm

    Is it already out in Toronto?

    Not here in USA....

  6. Mystic: oh yes, been out long ago.

  7. It's been nominated in Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture - Drama.

  8. Azlin: I had a hunch it would win a lot of awards.

  9. Anonymous4:57 pm

    Will check it out on youtube. LOl, times are bad, and hurray for youtube.
