Monday, July 21, 2008

To All Facebook Users

Can you please NOT upload the entire contents of your picture memory card to Facebook? An album is supposed be a few select pictures ... i.e. the GOOD ones. There is no reason to upload three pictures which are exactly the same except one has a closer view of the groom's nose than other ones. Similarly, blurry, out of focus, subject being blocked, etc shouldn't be uploaded. There is no reason to have a "Niagara Trip Album 1" and then "Niagara Trip Album 2" and then till "Album X"... just one album on that should be more than enough.

Can people NOT use the wall as a place to broadcast personal messages. I recently got a mini-feed from a friend's wall-to-wall that included details of her recent breakup, her cat's problems and the other replied with how her mother-in-law hates her. Seriously people, there is something called Private Messaging.

There is a button called the "Ignore" button. You don't need to add EVERY application to your profile so that another person, who is checking out your page, has his browser crash. Grrrrrr!

Instant message on Facebook. I hate it. It's small. It's annoying. I am surfing a page, dammit. Just add me on MSN if you wanna talk.

Can you name your albums something else other than "Random"? Seriously, show a bit of creativity. And "Album That Is Too Cool To Have A Name" doesn't cut it either.

And oh, stop sending me ANY application requests.


  1. Anonymous8:52 pm


  2. LOL, I hear you on this. You learn new thing everyday about seemingly normal human.

  3. Brainsmoke: I tell you, I click more on albums that have 20 pictures than 40! I can take 60 pictures too, but they have to be different!

    Neena: Ya, sometimes I troll facebook wall to walls for fun (does that make me creepy?).

  4. it seems someone needs a break from Facebook ha? :D

    It's their picture let them do whatever they want.

  5. OK. I get your point. Stop making me look silly :D BTW, I am so with you on this.

  6. Ali: yes it is their pictures and album, but for people who are surfing facebook (let's say in class) it makes for inefficient browsing! :-D

    Suroor: YOU on the other hand need to post MORE pictures!

  7. Anonymous7:52 am

    dude...step away from facebook... u clearly need a break!

  8. Shaz: then what will I do when class lectures get boring as hell? There's only so many ways to make mergers and diversifications interesting!

  9. Anonymous9:00 am

    someone i know, recently went to greece and put up 1600 pictures!
    I swear, 20 pictures in a row was of the SAME setting sun.... i really wanted to beat the crap out of was in my feed every freakin day for a week!!

  10. Nazia: welcome to my blog. Always glad to see new readers.

    1600 pictures! wow....

  11. Anonymous3:42 pm


  12. Anonymous6:52 pm


    totally agree with u on the apps one! it gets worse when you have friends who are app developers for facebook, and who keep sending invites to their latest apps. How can i politely tlel them - dude, ur app is CRAP! please don't ask me to add it to my awesome profile?

  13. Oh I've a facebook account too. By "normal human" I meant one's facebbok friends who give out million requests everyday.

  14. LOVE this. I wish I could fwd to this to several repeat offenders on my friend list.

    One gal, every freaking time she goes out anywhere, takes at least a dozen solo shots, no doubt trying to get that perfect one. Why not just bloody post the one that came out best then instead of letting us know that you closed your eyes in 3 of them, a baby's hand ruined another 2 and the rest you were just trying too hard for that natural unposed look.

  15. Anonymous9:24 pm

    I feel you, bro!

    P.S. Ahem, I hope it IS a bro? :D

  16. so i take it you didnt like my nose hair :(

  17. Isheeta: you, girl, need to post more of your beautiful pictures up. Blog AND facebook!

    Janeplain: Oh no I am lucky I don't have facebook application developers as friends. Or, I think so. God knows if any of the 'Ignores' I hit were for friends' applications!

    Neena: I also don't understand why some people can't use the "Skip this step" when adding a new application, where the skipped step was inviting everyone else!

  18. Elyria: Please feel free to post this on facebook (using the Post a link feature).

    Why not just bloody post the one that came out best


    Shysoul: yes, it is a bro! :-D

    You reminded me of this!

    Shovon: lol.


    The goat lake pictures were great!

  19. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Me thinks someone is a grumpy ol' man :D lol

  20. I need names, Anon, names!

  21. Anonymous11:27 am

    whoa mez...

    Take a chill pill dude...

    I know it can get annoying at times, but equally annoying is the fact when you go to someone's profile and you have to scroll down for 20 minutes before you get to their wall just because they have subscribed to saving the wildlife in Congo or help some lame old man in Brazil.


  22. Behbood: this post was a rant written in a (semi) joking manner. Of course everyone has the right to do what they want on their profile, but it's frustrating when all you want is to post a message on their wall and the browser crashes, or you want to see a photo album from 2 days ago and you have to click several times because people posted gazillion pics.

  23. Anonymous10:13 am

    LOL! And what's up with pple sending you applications that will tell you what wedding dress you would wear, who would be your *future* husband, or how will your kids look like?? Heloooooooo, been there, done that! I KNOW how my kids will look like and I KNOW who my mate will/is!! sf

  24. Sf: hahaha that is so true. I got a request the other day to find out what type of "Golden Girl" I was... do people even think when they send out the application request?

  25. Anonymous2:14 am

    ha ha yes i never accept application requests, i hope people dont get pissed off. but it takes up so much time even to refuse requests. but actually, the problem really lies in Facebook itself - its sneaky that you cant install an application without first having to send it to your friends - that's why so many people send these requests out. So let's flag this up = I find it seriously annoying

  26. Anonymous7:10 am

    I know what you mean. But I can not claim to facebook due to filtering. So i dont have this headache anymore.

    But hey, i saw foto of many bloggers there. Was nice to see the real person behind the blogs.. :)

  27. Sonia: I didn't know that to accept application requests you needed to send it out also. I only have I think two - video and something else, so didn't know that. It IS seriously annoying.

    In other news, Scrabulous is now sued by Scrabble people.

    Shahrzaad: Yes it is nice. Although some bloggers have an account just for the blog and don't put any real pictures up! :-P

  28. Anonymous12:55 am

    On facebook and myspace, I see people put up so many pictures of themselves as if they are in love with their looks, seriously. Do you think your all that good looking and want people commenting you on all the same poses?

  29. Tammy: The surprising thing is many of them actually DO get comments! You have to wonder at how much spare time they and their friends have.
