Tuesday, October 16, 2007

About those virgins ...

Abdul discovered that the benefits of the 72 virgins were perhaps greatly over-exaggerated.



  1. Anonymous9:19 am

    hahaha...... Abdul was blown away by the realization!

  2. Anonymous2:53 pm


    - Athena

  3. Anonymous10:05 pm

    That Abdul guy looks a lot like Frodo Baggins!

    In which case, I can see why the 70 virgins would be displeased with a hairy-footed man. hahahhaha!

  4. Anonymous10:35 pm

    hahaha...look at the look of agony on his face!

  5. Serves Abdul right for thinking he is grand enough to deserve 72 women!

  6. Anonymous10:20 am

    Actually, he kinda looks like Brendan frasier. Well, I always say, who in their right minds would want 72 virgins????? Muahahhahahahahhaha. He'll probably kill himself. :D sf

  7. Anonymous11:16 am

    me thinks abdul did something that those virgins didnt like. coz think about it...all of them are semi-nude... hence, the anger


  8. Anonymous3:44 pm

    Hmm..now that i analyze it more deeply, the humour side of me thinks that all those virgins are using their power to influence his mind by shouting and yelling, "ME FIRST..ME FIRST..." And ofcourse, our Abdul wants em all, just cant decide who gets to be the first in line :)


  9. Farah: now that's the bomb.

    Athena: It is funny, isn't it?

    Isheeta: lolz what happened to the remaining 2 virgins? They like hairy foots? hehe

    Mousehunter: that's what gets me everytime!

    Suroor: Maybe he wanted raisins?

    Sf: but it's heaven - he can't die, and they are forever virgins... lol

    Behbood: you seem to have analyzed this post deeply LOL

  10. Anonymous8:57 pm

    The virgin thing is totally overrated.
    The biggest blessing in paradise will be to see Allah SWT.

  11. Anonymous3:03 pm

    Well, even if the 72 virgins turn out to be harridans, at least every paunchy man has a six pack in heaven ;)

    - Baraka
