Thursday, September 06, 2007

Of Marriage Forms

I am researching the marriage laws of a Middle Eastern country for a cousin who, if all things go well inshAllah, is going to get married there shortly. Of course, one of the big problems is that many of these countries don't have proper websites, or even if they do, the English part of it is very badly written or completely unhelpful.

However, I did notice a few interesting things.

One, they love to use the words 'thereof' and 'whereby', and other big words whether they go with the sentence or not. For example,
... presenting the original passports of the spouses or copies thereof in addition to birth certificates whereby an attestation of the original in Arabic is necessitated...
Two, there seems to be no shortage of forms that you have to fill. For example, heading over to the Sharia court section of one city (now this is Islamic courts, folks), I find this gem.
'Proof of Marriage Consummation Form'
Definition:The husband must acknowledge and two witnesses must testify that he has carried out the marriage ceremonials and had intercourse with the wife.
Somehow I don't think my cousin can raise THIS topic with his fiancee.


  1. Anonymous12:38 pm

    Oh my - two witnesses, huh?

  2. Working: yup! I am thinking - two adult male witnesses? wtf

  3. Anonymous1:49 pm

    May I volunteer? Some people think I'm aggressive enough to be a guy.

  4. Anonymous2:50 pm

    How would you even approach somebody..."Ahem...Brother...would you be so kind as witness you say..consumating my um.. wife?" :S

  5. Anonymous3:11 pm

    Maybe use those *hidden* cameras???Then they can have the PROOF! There are some cultures(I don't think they still do it)that a older woman would *stay* with the couple until the *deed* is done. HEhehehehehe sf

  6. I know some people here who use words like "whereby" and "thereof" in regular conversation and it's really really weird because they sound like they're trying so hard to be 'proper' while it just has the opposite effect.

    As for the second thing, what I want to know is what exactly does 'witness' mean? See? Hear? :S

  7. This is where the typical Arab/African "show of matrimonial bedsheets" come in handy!

  8. Hmm I thought I had already replied to all of your comments! Blogger's been acting up recently.

    Koonj: would that be considered one full witness or half?

    Mousehunter: I see, er, logistical issues in the making.

    Sf: ew... older women I am sure are lining up for the, er, deed. I know there are places in India where a priest has to "bless" a new wife for the husband.

    Liya: you and me both! thank God we are living here in Canada!

    Suroor: I thought it was only a Jewish thing! Is it part of Arab culture as well?

  9. Anonymous7:30 pm

    Hi!Your blog is nice and liked reading through it If you ask the Imam he will sort it out He!He!He!.
    Wish you well.....Ramadan Mubarak....

  10. zingtrail: welcome
