Wednesday, June 20, 2007

At least he got his priorities right

"Hey," I speak to one of my friends. "I thought you were going to Bangladesh on Canada Day (July 1). Isn't your wedding a couple of days later?"

"Ya, about that," My buddy replies, "I talked to her and postponed it till two weeks later. You didn't know? Postponed it quite a while back."

"Oh really?"

"Ya," He answers with a goofy grin. "I got her to tell her father I couldn't get a holiday from work until a week later."

"Ah." I lean in closer. "So, why did you really delay the wedding?"

"Well," My friend has a really embarrassed look on his face now. "Transformers is coming out on the 3rd of July, and I have always wanted to see that in the IMAX theaters ..."


  1. Anonymous10:49 am

    I am so down with what he did. I would do that for transformers, except it looks very commercialized and as if all the transformers are evil. Too much hype. it will suck.

  2. Anonymous11:15 am

    I would pre-pone my marriage and then go w/ the wifey;-)

  3. :O

    LOL does the wife know the real reason?! Yeesh, men are always little boys first!

  4. Sophister: I think it should be a smashing movie... haven't seen a good, entertaining, summer blockbuster for a while now!

    A Muslim: I don't think Bangladesh has IMAX, or theaters there show English movies immediately.

    Liya: The wifey knows (which is why I was allowed to *blog* about this - it was too funny not to be blogged about!) I guess the new husband will "owe" her big time. But secretly I think it also gave her the time to go to Calcutta for more pre-wedding shopping!

  5. actually, I am not surprised! men are weird like that.

  6. LOL that is too funny!

  7. lol, wot a thing to postpose your wedding for! thts a classic, this is going to keep me smiling for the rest of the day

  8. Anonymous5:26 pm

    In canada dude! But yeah, I guess the paperworks take months *sigh*

  9. Anonymous6:34 pm

    He probably sent the money for THAT shopping spree! :)
    My cousin got married on the 94 world cup final(brazil & Italy ?). Anywho, he went to take his bride and then everyone just sits and watches the match! :), Now, that was, priceless!!! sf

  10. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Lol...he better be "More than meets the eye" on his wedding day!

  11. Shaz: mousehunter, uh oh. What have you been upto?

    Ahmed: it IS, isn't it? I could not NOT blog about it - had to! I think he should deserve an award for the most diligent Transformers fan.

    Spirit Seeker: haha

    A muslim: yes it does. Although you don't need to be married to take a girl to the movies! ;-)

    Sf: lol that's hilarious! unfortunate coincidence, the groom was probably wanting to watch the final too!

    Mousehunter: he should eh? Like the commercial says, he should get dressed by Moores.

  12. Transformers WAS an awesome show. Even to the passed Beast Wars.
    And now, they ruined it. All the cars are Chevys. Fudging cockroaches in a sewer !(U&*@#$^)!!!!
    They must have paid top dollar for that :@
    Gah, sellouts!


    good luck to your friend :P. I can see the future now:

    "Sweety, can you um...well just not have the baby today? We have the Harry Potter Deathly Hallow tickets for tonight's show"

  14. Anonymous10:44 am

    is this the same dude who was up for a bollywood movie the day of his arrival from overseas?


  15. Anonymous1:54 am

    guys, sheesh!

  16. Anonymous8:09 am

    I love your friend :D

  17. A man who knows his priorities! :p

  18. Shovon: you know, I remember being thrilled by Transformers as a kid - but I looked at some of the episodes on youtube and for the hell of me can't remember what was good about it now ! the animations now look so ... cartoonish! But man the trailor looks good.

    Athena: hahahahaha

    Behbood: the same. How did you know? ;-)

    loulou: welcome to the blog.

    Pravin: haha yes.

    Sumera: I guess soon he will get a different set of priorities.

    Mystic-soul: nice of you to say so!

  19. Anonymous6:08 pm

    ah well he'll have plenty of time in the world after he gets married!

  20. Wow. Transformers, really?

  21. wow, are guys really that weird?!

  22. Anonymous12:00 pm

    I love how people thing priorities change after getting married. No! I still play video games and other things I did when I was a child, 1 year ago.

  23. Sonia: People have lots of time on their hands after marriage? Not my friends - all of them become so busy nowadays that they are married - and I think people become positively BORING after they have kids...

    Singlemuslimah: I guess he won't have a hard time remembering his anniversary.

    Sophister: haha

  24. Anonymous7:54 pm

    After kids, you actually become sleep deprived!! The saying "sleeping with one-eye open becomes a *reality* (don't mean to scare you guys out there who have no kids) sf :(

  25. Anonymous8:05 pm

    Mezba - after kids YES, they are boring. But before then, I would say they are not hangin out cuz the "having fun with wife" kick has not worn out yet. They'll come back, i tell ya! I am married, and i am gonna go home now and go play XBOX360. Take that, marriage!

  26. Sf: I actually function very well with less sleep (catch up on the weekends) so I think I should be ready when the time comes (famous last words)!

    Sophister: haha too much info ... go play your xbox!

  27. The perfect thing to do. Lolz!

  28. Miss Specs: lolz

  29. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Transformers are just... AWESOME! If i was in the to-be wifey's stilettos, I'd understand =P

  30. Oh it was a great movie!
