Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Useless Facebook Rant

  1. The number of friends requests you have pending is NOT an indicator of how popular you are. Seriously, if you get your thrills by periodically looking at the number of people who want to be your friend and giving a quiet chuckle to yourself as you leave them hanging, you need therapy.

    On the other hand, not everyone should be your friend. I just met you. I don't need you to add me to your Facebook. I don't need you to see all my albums of my wild graduation party at the Keg convocation - remember ... I ... JUST ... MET ... you.

    Also, you really shouldn't be adding me. You are friends with the eleven year old kid I call my cousin. You shouldn't even BE on Facebook. Ah the good old days when Facebook was restricted to university students and alumni!

  2. Your birthday should not be an indication of pseudo popularity. True friends remember your birthday. I call someone to wish them 'happy birthday'.

    'Ya,' he replies, 'but remember to wish me on Facebook.'

    WHAT?!! Again, the number of people who wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Facebook does NOT translate to real life bosom buddies.

  3. If you really want to increase the bonds of friendship with all your friends, do a bollywood lookalike album for all of them! *grin* Nothing will endear you more to them than comparing them to Mithun (or even better, Mamooty!).

  4. And finally, "poking". What a useless thing to do!

    And what fun!


  1. Anonymous11:03 pm

    Facebook = Temptation.
    Its everywhere! Aaaah ....

  2. You know Aliana, I don't really spend that much time on fbook as much as I used to anymore. I just logon once or twice a day to see if anyone has put up new pics or something to comment on lol. It's mostly a site to check out when I got nothing else to do. Would I miss it if I deactivated my account - sure - got lots of friends around the world with whom that's my only contact!

  3. Anonymous11:20 pm

    "I just logon once or twice a day "

    and that's NOT "much"? LOL

  4. Haha Sabrina... once or twice a day... that's minimum is it not? lol...

  5. Oh, good I read this before adding you!

  6. Anonymous9:33 am

    Here here! I'm on FB as you know, but not an addict. I find the whole thing kind of useless. I actually only use it to communicate with people, but here is what I don't get. What happened to email!?!?

    I think the best part of facebook is finding friends you lost contact with, and could still carry on a conversation with should you meet them in person!

  7. Anonymous10:03 am

    not to mention the insanely stupid new applications that are now being integrated into FB.

    Atleast u log in once or twice a day, for me its once or twice a week i would say.


  8. well, you can't call up a person you JUST met and find interesting enough to see whether you guys could hang out the next time for a random hello.

    and emails have become a medium for communication for business-purposes only. of course, the older generation (hint, hint) thinks otherwise. lolz!

    fbook lets you do that. and I can safely say that the next time i head down to tdot, I plan on contacting a few of your friends that I was lucky enough to meet and see if they'd want to go shopping with me..or have an icecream together (amitab) haha!

  9. I just like facebook b/c it really does help me keep more in touch with the people I don't talk to on a regular basis.....b/c you can't talk to everyone on a regular basis and others you just don't want to. And its really easy to share albums and send comments to each other so its convenient.

  10. Suroor: if you are on facebook, I humbly DEMAND that you add me!

    Mousehunter: Actually I don't find it completely useless, the albums thing is the best thing that facebook has to offer, and the message/wall posting is kind of good - I never thought the day would come when email would be seen as cumbersome!

    Behbood: Ah, forgot those applications - insane! And people keep adding everyone that comes up.

    NAB: Ah, is that why I have failed in my long running attempt to have as many fbook friends as you lol. Some people are just "popular" I guess :-p

    Ahmed: yes it is very convenient. The "useless" in my post title referred to the rant, and not Facebook. However, I find the applications useless though!

  11. According to my students, now that principals are starting to have their own Facebook accounts, it's losing it's 'coolness' factor, but I think it'll be here to stay for quite a while. They really do love it (my sister is proof and checks practically every hour).

    A couple of the teachers in my school joined to see if their students were on it. I'm guilty to say that I did too - though not under my real one, a fake name ... yes, I have no life lol.

  12. It's just becoming too much. They are letting any and everyone on there, there's all those silly applications, and random people seem to be stalking me. I'm so over Facebook but I just can't seem to bring myself to delete my account.

  13. The only application that's interesting is the graffiti. All of the other ones are really irritating.

  14. Who let all the grown ups join facebook anyway?

  15. munaz: can't reply to a no comment! lol

    Liya: haha investigative teacher! I think they sort of lost it when they just let anyone join. Before it was good - you had to have a school account to join. But more advertising moolah, I guess, rules.

    I don't understand the idea of parents or teachers joining to check up on their kids. Just have everything set to private and only add your elders to a limited account, and this should beat the trick! No point to it, really.

    Singlemuslimah: but I just can't seem to bring myself to delete my account haha I know what you mean. I hate those stupid applications people got on it now. There's even one called 'free gift'. How pathetic.

    Athena: based on your wall, I would say so hehe

    Fugstar: um...

  16. Anonymous8:27 am

    uh oh i feel bad now adding you on FB i don't even know you in RL! :-)

  17. Sonia: haha "wall" me.
